Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Graduate

Our Ruby graduated on Sunday!

The school, in it's wisdom, decided to hold graduation outdoors in spite of the fact that it was raining. Not sprinkling, not intermittent rain but raining. And cold. And as far as I can tell, no one trimmed the program or the individual speeches. When they announced that the seniors would now received their diplomas, the crowd cheered like mad - at last! And as names were read, the bleachers emptied.

But we had a nice family weekend, collecting grandparents and having a family dinner out on Saturday evening and then a leisurely brunch at our house on Sunday morning. The grands elected to stay at the house rather than sit in the rain, and it was one of the best decisions made all day. Peter & I stood under the bleachers until Ruby walked, we watched her walk and cheered like mad, and then we went home to change into dry clothes and put the kettle on for tea.

Lily & Hannah were Ruby's attendants, so they got to sit through the whole thing and came home drenched. Ruby's mortarboard got so wet it came apart!

But it's over and we are done with the public school system in our county. Onward & upward to three girls in college next fall!

Sorry - no photos yet, but I'll add some when I can.


  1. Congratulations to Ruby! And to you Melissa, you done good.

  2. Yep, Melissa, you sure have done *real* good! :)

  3. Blessed Be!!
    Quite a finish!
    Quite an accomplishment!
    Onward and Upward to all of you!
    Happiest of times!
