Friday, May 25, 2007

Webs Tent Sale stash

OK - a quick report on the Webs tent sale!

I went, it was fun, and I spent more money than I meant to.
Doesn't that sound familiar?

I bought:
1 bag of Lavold Angora in black to go with 9 skeins of vared colors in some scarves.
2 bags of Debbie Bliss Cathay to make myself a lacey summer sweater.

I've been looking for the Perfect Lacey Summer Cardigan for several years now.
I'm thinking that eventually (soon) I should give up looking and just design it.
Since I know what I want better than anyone else...

I also bought:
1 skein of Orangey yarn for a tiger hat for Miss Hannah
1 skein of a new Kureyon color and 1 skein Cascade 200 in dark grey to make a hat
a really cool Lexie Barnes bag to hold a small project.
Nice Day of the Dead type design, Lexie!
We met Lexie at Stitches East because her young son made frequent visits to our Peace Weavers booth to see the puppets...

And I also bought LOTS of Kureyon for my Lizard Ridge...
I didn't take a photo of all of it, just one of each skein:

Miss H got a pattern book and yarn to knit a cardigan in dark blue merino.
I hope the dark color won't make her crazy.
This would be her second started sweater and potentially her first completed sweater!

And now I will STOP BUYING YARN for a while.

I'll let you know how that works out...


  1. What yummy things you bought!!
    I love the colors and can't wait to see what comes of them.
    You are lucky to be so close to the source!
    Gonna keep you busy for a while!! ;)

  2. double yum!
    lizard ridge is gorgeous!!!!

  3. and you just *know* we'll be watching closely to see just how that works out...:)
