Monday, April 28, 2008

The last order arrives...

This is just a quick post. I'm getting really excited about Maryland Sheep & Wool. Look what came today!

I've been worrying about the economy and whether knitters and spinners will be buying this year and how much inventory should I order.
I've been worrying about our Moms - we have 3 and 2 are having health problems right now.
I've been worrying about the future of our non-profit.. both my husband & I work for Bluemont and in this economy, having all our financial eggs in this rather fragile basket seems, well kinda crazy. But here we are, shortening sail to ride out the storm.

But now, with all my orders received and MS&W on the immediate horizon, I am excited! I finished my my Sea Silk Swallowtail today and here it is, blocked and drying. I am completely addicted to lace knitting now. Hook line and sinker. (Can you tell it's been raining for days? I guess I'm feeling the damp...)

And here are the lovely things I unpacked this noon - the Hand Maiden box finally arrived! We've got Casbah sock yarn

4 ply cashmere in hat kits:
and 12 ply cashmere in Quick Knit hat kits:
We have Sea Silk:
And last but not least, this heavenly Swiss Mountain Cashmere Silk. This stuff makes the 100% cashmere feel like Rough Stuff. It is simple amazing.
Also appearing but not pictured - Tussah Silk laceweight.

Yum, yum ,yum.

And to add to all this fibery goodness, our booth is next door to Cloverhill, which is featuring a bevy of indie hand dyers...I'm hoping that we'll be too busy to see much of it, because it will be so tempting.

I'm just a sucker for color....


  1. Thank you for all this color! It's a delight just to see it! :) Good luck and good sales at MD, Melissa!

  2. It was nice to see you at MD ~ great photos! (esp. since I didn't make it over to your booth ... sorry about that!).

    Hey, I just memed you ~ go check my blog for details! :-D

