Thursday, February 14, 2008

Catching Up! - Holidays

Well, I've been really busy - seems like since Christmas! I've had time to take some photos, but not to get a blog post up for almost two months. But today is the day I start to catch up.

I have to blog a little about Christmas, if only to show off this wonderful little sewing machine that my sister Annie sent me! Too cute by half. And red!

It was made in Russia. I will let you know how well it works!

I also got a nice arty bag that I'm using to carry papers back and forth to work, lots of books and a needlecase and some very cool stitch markers that my Mom found at Maryland Sheep & Wool last year.

This is my favorite photo of the girls from Xmas: It's a little blurry, but they look calm and happy. As opposed to the hilarious laughing in most of the rest of their photos.

It was, as always, wonderful to have so much of our family together. Every year we think it may be the last to bring all the grandmothers, particularly Peter's Mum who has the farthest to come. Indeed, Ruby drove her home this year and what should have been 4 hours from door to door somehow became 9 hours of missed turns, backtracking and rerouting. We were worried that Beryl would be overwhelmed by the journey, but looking back she views it as one big adventure!

I guess if you don't get out much, being driven around all day by your grandaughter and friends can be fairly entertaining.

OK - speaking of adventures, the next entry will be my January spinning adventure!


  1. Welcome back! That machine is too cute, and the stitch markers as well.

  2. Wow what a terrific picture of your girls!!!

  3. your girls are all so beautiful! and the machine is darling.

  4. Beautiful Girls!! Lovely Presents!!
    And adventure...for wonderful....Oh yeah and Great books to read!
    Thanks for sharing your Christmas!
    The sewing machine is so Special and Cute ;)
